mining chain


Industrial Chains

Mining Chain

What is Mining Chain? Mining chains is a term used to describe the biological and ecological cycles of various minings and elements, especially metals, in a region or ecosystem. These chains encompass the processes of how a particular metal is extracted, used, distributed and eventually returned to the environment.

conveyor chains


Industrial Chains

Conveyor Chain

Conveyor chains are used in various functions as an indispensable element of industry. Basically, they are designed to move materials from one point to another, but there are a number of special designs for different applications.

idma 2024 istanbul fair



16th IDMA 2024 Exhibition Preparations

IDMA Exhibition, which will be held in May 2024, will bring together the leading names of the milling machinery industry. The latest technologies in a wide range of sectors such as flour, feed, corn, semolina, rice, bulgur, pulses, pasta and biscuit technologies will be exhibited.